It is not surprising that many people are worried by crime, after all it is all over the TV, news and all types of media. However, many others are not concerned, the comments of presenters of programmes like Crime Watch saying that the crimes shown are very rare, thus easing their fears.

Of course, some crimes are more common than others and some areas are also more prone to crime of all types.
Should You Be Worried?
Should you be worried about the crime in your area? Do you know how much crime occurs in your area and what types are more prevalent?
Wye Security Services covers Monmouthshire, Gwent, Gloucestershire and the South of Herefordshire and as you can imagine, the level of crime varies greatly.
The good news is that the data is available from the Police and is available simply by visiting the website.
The Different Types of Crime
In most areas, criminal damage and burglaries each cover less than 10% of all crime, while anti-social behaviour and public order offences together account for more than 25%.
Wye Security Can Provide You With Peace of Mind
All of these could be a concern to a local business or home owner, which is why of course many people engage Wye Security.
That way they can be safe in the knowledge that should the worse happen, a security team will be onsite to secure and protect their possessions within Industry Standard response times.