Wye Security Win Award For Third Year Running

Wye Security Win Award For Third Year Running

Wye Security won an award for Great Service from Prestige Awards Wales for the third time in a row.

The Prestige Awards was launched to celebrate the businesses and individuals that consistently offer excellent products and services to local residents and their community.

Prestige Awards believe that SME businesses are the backbone of any economy, whilst also typically reflecting the unique characteristics of its particular region. People and businesses in the region are invited to nominate businesses that have proven to be the best in their market over the past 12 months. All shortlisted companies put forward in the Prestige Awards are asked to support their nomination with evidence of their work, positive feedback from their clients, information on previous accreditation and recognition as well as highlighting the most outstanding parts of their businesses.

The judging panel base their decisions upon areas such as service excellence, quality of the product/service provided, innovative practices, value, ethical or sustainable methods of working, as well as consistency in performance. The winners selected are those who can best demonstrate their strengths in these areas.

Wye received the award due to the exceptional level of service they provide, such as their fast response times, the number of accreditations the business holds and because of the services they give to the local community, such as support of Ross Cricket club.

‘To win the award for the third time is just amazing’ said Andy Element, ‘It is really marvellous to have our business recognised in this way’.

For information on how Wye Security could make your home or business that bit more secure, please do check out our services. We would be pleased to discuss just how we can help.